Board of Director’s Letter

Dear Easton Citizens & Business Community,
Improving the business environment in Easton and enhancing the quality of life for our citizens are the focus of the Easton Chamber of Commerce. We are committed to providing effective business leadership, fostering a healthy business climate and promoting awareness and appreciation of the Easton area. Events like our monthly Networking Breakfasts, After-Hours, Business Workshops, as well as the annual Taste of Easton and Business Appreciation Night give business owners and our citizens the opportunity to learn more about the growing business environment and friendly community that exists in town.
Each year the Chamber continues its efforts in promoting business amongst its members and the Easton community. We encourage our local businesses to get involved. As you know, what you get out of something directly correlates to what you put in to it. We believe there are great opportunities for businesses and the community in Easton and we will be working to make the most of those opportunities for everyone.
The Easton Chamber of Commerce membership is steadily on the rise, and as our membership grows so do our membership benefits. Invest in this community and become a part of our dynamic organization.
Thank you for your support.
The Board Members of the Easton Chamber of Commerce